There are only 2 kingdoms on this earth and they oppose one another:
1. The Kingdom of Death & Darkness led by Satan.
2. The Kingdom of Life and Light led by Jesus Christ.
The Bible says Satan's Kingdom will eventually be conquered and destroyed by Jesus Christ. The Bible also says that Jesus' Kingdom has an eternal reign where ideal conditions will exist forever. Paradise. No hatred, murder, greed, war, theft, suffering, sickness, pain, tears, death, etc.; nothing harmful or evil.
Which kingdom do you belong to? The Bible says it's either one or the other. God gave us each a choice. We have free will to choose whatever we want. God respects our choices. However, God reaches out to all of us to make the right choice. We all must seek after wisdom and consider what is "the end of our choice."
“Anyone who isn’t with me opposes Me, and anyone who isn’t working with Me is actually working against Me."
~ Matthew 12:30 (NLT)
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Me too! Why would anyone want to intentionally be an ugly person and believe in nothing with no hope? What a terrible existence!
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