2-21-22 Vladimir Putin called out deep state demon globalists
running Ukraine 💥
“Everything comes down to the fact
that the collapse of the Ukrainian economy
goes along with robbing the Ukrainian people.
Ukraine itself is now being controlled
from the outside.
It is betrayed not only by instructions from the West
but also locally
by a network of Foreign consultants
NGOs & other institutions deployed in Ukraine.
They have direct influence on all the important decisions
on all levels of government..
Influences on the main state corporations, railways
Energy complex
posts, administration on the seaports of Ukraine.
Ukraine doesn’t have an Independent Court System anymore..
.. the embassy of the U.S. directly controls
the National Agency on Preventing Corruption..
all done under the ‘pretense’ to
enhance the efficiency of fighting corruption.
OK then. Where are the results?
Because corruption is still there.
WORSE than it was.”


No way White Hat Vladdy's gonna be pushed around
by globalists over Ukraine!!! 💪😼🐻🇺🇸💥
The plan to bring down Globalist EU is going just fine.

Johnny, what do you think
of what Juan O Savin said yesterday? 👇
It has long been my understanding
that arrests ARE ongoing
that tribunals ARE ongoing
that executions ARE ongoing
that there ARE body-doubles, actors & CGI images
🍿 in Q's movie happening right now.
But 107 says "No!"
Juan is a Sneaky Pete & I'm sure he deliberately misleads.
He often says there's trolling on both sides
Still 🤔
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
There’s a lot in play.
A lot is going on.
A lot of it is invisible as this stuff develops.
The people that want to talk about there’s Gitmo trials
& people being put to death.
David Nino Rodriguez
Thank you for clearing that up.
I’ve got people telling me “Real Raw News," this guy’s dead,
Bill Gates is a clone.
I’ve told you privately & I think I’ve said it on the show
multiple times—bullshit, right? No question.
I’ve NEVER said that 💥

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
I believe it

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Juan has told us many times "We are at war!" In order to reduce civil unrest and violence this war has been waged covertly. In my opinion they have been arresting key people and taking them to places like Gitmo and Thule Greenland. Why else has Juan and Q said "Enjoy the show" and "The military is the only way"? Corruption is coming to the surface each and everyday. All the while the public has to be awakened to the massive lies and corruption.