Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
Being a Vessel for the Divine is a commitment. You give yourself over to God and place it all in his hands. In order for this plan to work, we all need to pretend to be our regular old selves while we are fighting real and astral battles for the good of mankind. Exhausting isn't a strong enough word. It's a fine line to walk, I will tell you that. I'm actually glad they let me slip my binding to spread The Good News. Most of us are working in secret and it's lonely. The few that tried to bring their spouse/family up to speed on our mission did not fare well. Cognitive dissonance, programming, foundation beliefs being challenged, call it what you will, most aren't ready. Think of us when you pray. We are holding the line and we can feel the vibe when it gets noticed. Love to you all from the Rainbow Warrior Tribe. We are a family through God and Heaven on Earth is our Homeland.