I am fighting for justice for my wife after she was killed in a corrupt hospital. Please help me in this fight.
After being vented, when they decide it's time to die they administer deadly doses of Fentanyl. Gotta be what causes the sudden heart attacks. My wife wasn't vented for a full hour before she suffered a heart attack. Prior to being vented, she was doing fine on bipap and her blood 02 was normal, vitals were normal. That was 6 hours prior to venting.
It's MURDER what they are doing to people.
And I don't know how to fight it.
Artist, Sociologist, INTJ - I will always fight for freedom and truth...
We have this in Poland https://norymberga2.pl/
Maybe they can help You...
Norymberga 2.0 - Strona główna
Wspólnie gromadzimy użyteczne procesowo dowody przestępstw i zbrodni popełnionych pod pretekstem pandemii. Jest nas coraz więcej - setki odwiedzających naszą stronę zgłaszają pogwałcenie prawa przez rząd lub wykonawców jego woli, a nasz zespół każdego dnia powiększa się o nowych specjalistów, eksper..
https://norymberga2.pl/I am fighting for justice for my wife after she was killed in a corrupt hospital. Please help me in this fight.
WIsh there was an American site for this.
email them maybe they have contacts... the site is in Polish and English for some reason...