A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
The covid PCR tests were created to test positive with “genetic material from a common cold virus”
A cold.
A fucking cold.
Kinda sucks us trying to tell this to everyone we could for two solid years, and now the System finally releases the information in disclosure, but it’s waaaay too late at this point.
As I've said over and over, the buyer's remorse on this thing is going to be absolutely astounding.
It wasn't even just the flu, bro.
It's just a cold, bro.
Repost from GAB
I disagree. I've had colds, lot's of them. As a teacher I was always picking up things from the kids. I've never had ANYTHING that left me, my husband, and 6 other people, as sick as we were, Jan 4, 2021, for 3 solid weeks. We lost all sense of smell and taste and couldn't walk across the room without being out of breath. That was no cold. I have no idea what we had, but it was not the common cold. Something was either sprayed on us, or delivered in some other manner. 8 people do not come down sick at the same exact time with the same exact symptoms, with something that leaves you totally incapacitated for 3 weeks. Someone unleased something.
Patriotic Christian Mom & Wife seeking refuge from 2nd Twitter expulsion. Same handle.....
I agree totally!! We had it Nov 2020. Healthy & active etc etc and it kicked our asses
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Only 2 out of 8 of us got tested for COVID. Those 2 tested positive. I didn't trust the test, so I refused to be tested. The others just assumed that because 2 tested positive that we all had COVID. Whatever we had, it was evident it was the same thing because the symptoms were identical. Knowing what I know now about Ivermectin, I would have taken it then. Hubby wound up with double pneumonia and it was the Ivermectin that saved his life. I just didn't trust any doctor, the CDC, the FDA, or any medicine at all, so the rest of us just decided to ride it out. That was a longggggggggg 3 weeks. Horrible stuff. Yeah, it'll put you down for sure.