Canadian police made over 70 arrests of peaceful protestors and their horse brigade trampled and killed a senior woman, along with destroying her walker.
In Australia the police shot energy weapons on a group of peaceful demonstrators.
None of which was covered by the Mainstream Fake Media, of course.
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
She has a dislocated shoulder and lacerations, she is alive.
Many of the arrested were driven 20 min away and dropped off, given no tickets, nor papers.
Follower of Yeshua HaMashiach; Happily Married; Patriot; Veteran; Anon...YAHWEH WINS
Glad to hear the ‘real news,’ you can’t trust nearly anything you hear/see these days. Praise God she is alive and that they are apparently lying about arrests.