Ordained Minister. Chef, enjoy sourdough, biscuits, Barbeque, kitchen cooking. I stand with God, Country, We the People. MAGA! WWG1WGA!
Brothers and Sisters, may the Lord bless you and comfort you.
Who among you will continue without fading or becoming lost from the Spirit of the Lord? Who shall stay and stand strong in faith to worship our Lord Jesus Christ?
He that holds himself firm and strives to stay on the path of rightousness, and speak the truth and not waiver.
He that doesn't speak out against his neighbor with hurtful intent, or plan/wish, or do evil things towards his neighbor.
The Lord's eyes sees the vile person with contempt, and honors them that fear the Lord. The person who worships and loves the Lord. The Lord sees the person who makes mistakes, causes himself problems and complains about is, but makes no effort to correct the problem.
The Lord knows if you don't spend any of your own wealth be it monitary, or physical belongings, or spiritual endeavors to help the less fortunate. The Lord knows your corruption if you seek or receive worth in acts against humanity. Honor our Lord,
Inspiration from Psalms 15
Much love and happiness!