What Is Now Known About Batches
We now know that the various batches of bio weaponized Common Cold Virus vaccines contained different components and represented different levels of toxicity, which give rise to specific results.
The range of toxicity runs from truly lethal injections that are 2500 to 3000 times more toxic than the other varieties, all the way to saline solution placebo shots.
The various different less-than-lethal component payloads offer batches that are calculated to cause myocarditis, batches that suppress the Cancer Suppressor Gene ---allowing cancers to develop and spread without immune response, HIV infected batches that lead to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), batches that cause unnatural blood thickening and coagulation, batches that contain high levels of graphene hydroxide which attacks cells and capillaries causing massive cell death and microscopic bleeding which then triggers a massive chronic inflammatory response, pain, unusual bruising, f