To our children:
“I want to be different”
To be different isn’t to look different.
To be different makes a difference.
Open doors, acknowledge the cahsier, hug your friends, stand tall/don’fall, enocourage the successes of others, say “i love ya man!” more than anyone, be patient just a little longer, show discouragement and rise up quickly, a “purpose” “comes” with a path of self-respect, be grateful for very small things, share with others that pain means change, glow with joy: its free!
these are the things you will be remembered and revered for. these are the things that people seek you out for when they are in need.
“different” hair styles, clothes, makeup, “changes” to the body are all an internal desire to be different, but yield nothing.
pick your path. choose wisely how you would like to be remembered everyday. and build on that everyday. its all a choice.
Be remembered for being a great friend. ❤️