Extremely powerful Cosmic Waves are pouring in right now.
Which for many people (and for Mother Earth) means layers and layers arising for healing and transmutation.
This is a powerful time for clearing distorted, heavy and outdated energies, thought patterns, and emotional pathways that no longer serve.
And calling forth greater Love, Peace, and Truth.
Love is now and always has been what will illuminate the highest path through.
Love is the force that is rewriting the destiny for humanity...
Empowering the highest Divine Possibilities to emerge and flow through.
And so amist this powerful time of cosmic light and transformation...
Remember you today that you have so many tools, and incredible support that is available to you.
To shift out of old patterns and distorted energies...
And drop into your open heart…
Into peace and presence…
Transmuting what no longer serves...
And shining in alignment with the Truth of your Higher Self and the Incredi