We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Except one or two crack pipes don't cost millions. Just another slush fund set up for corrupt politicians. We're no longer stupid.

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..
No, Catturd is 100% wrong, they intend to kill or enslave you... you are on the stock market...
What you make is [their] gamble...
[they] are done gambling...[they] acess your value.

Reformed Christian wife, mother and friend. USA Patriot, Pro-Life, Pro 2A, Live Free or Die! Flat Earther
Taxes are robbery

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..