🔴An Illinois Judge has barred schools from enforcing mask mandates.
He says the mandates are now "Null and Void".
Good job, Judge.
Interesting use of words as according to Marbury vs. Madison 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803) States that" All "laws" that are repugnant to the Constitution are Null & Void".
Other than the "Color of Law" (Title 18 U.S.C. Section 242 & 241 in the case of Conspiracy (two or more) - "Deprivation of Rights under the "color of law") which has been imposed upon The People since the Act of 1871 (Feb. 21,1871 - 151 Years ago) - Acts of the 41st Congress, Section 34, Sess III, Ch 61 62. We are NOT employees of The Corporation of THE UNITED STATES or the various Corporate STATES. Their laws do NOT apply...
They NEVER had the "right".
"Look at me well. I am she. I am..." Time to sift-in Revelations. Seeing ears, hearing eyes. "Who are you?"
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