Freedom of speech is being destroyed by the executive branch.
They are desperate because the republicans will most likely take control of congress during the mid-terms.
The truth of what these “vaccines” really are is being revealed.
VAERS data attests to the mortality and morbidity of these shots.
According to 2009 Harvard study, only 1% of events are reported on VAERS.
We must resist through NON-VIOLENT disobedience.
Ignore the mandates
Say NO to fear, isolation, masks, and dangerous shots.
We have the treatment for covid-19
Treat high risks patients ASAP with antiviral and anti-inflammatory protocols.
This is a battle for the soul of America.
Don’t surrender your freedom to tyranny.
Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
When are we stopping this mess? Can Not keep moving the goal post!
only lasts till June 7 22 ???