If DirectTV cancels OAN....I cancel them!
Dish network lied and thought I would give up..NOPE!!! it was a battle...but I won!
Ive been with DirectTv now 12 yrs...
during convo with customer service guy...he said "yes as of April OAN is gone...BUT to entice me to stay they will take off $25 a month for 12 months with NO contract...
my reply....
"NOPE! I can't be bought off! I will pay per our agreement. In the event that OAN IS cancelled, then so will be DirectTV!!! AND.......Im in the PEOPLE business (restaurants/bar) and I'm infront of different people everyday...and I will tell EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!!!"
Then I sincerely thanked him for his time and wished him a good day!
He said that he would forward my statement to the ones who will need to hear it!