Discernment is critical.
Y E S - it is about WORLD DOMINANCE.
Its not about politics / communists ... those are labels.
Why World Dominance?
Why do the children continue to go missing?
Why do they have DUMBs?
Who built the DUMBs? . W H E N . were they built?
WHY build the DUMBs all over the world?
What "species" wants to exist underground?
WHAT IS BEING HIDDEN from humanity?
"It is darkness like you've NEVER seen,
the air you breathe could kill you in moments" .... FORT BRAGG, NC
Be ready to stand alone in this world. Truth never stands with the majority.
I donĀ“t know it for sure, but most of the tunnels (ancient) were built by the Tartars (or whatever you want to call them..). It is said, that the tunnels (ancient) were built originally as water canals (worldwide power grid). But since the great destruction horrible misused from the rulers of the darkness. They are also genetically crossing humans with animals, these creatures indeed look like aliens too.
Discernment is critical.
idk - I've heard various reports stating that the Aliens built the tunnels as their habitat bc they can not function w/out genetic engineering in our atmosphere, oxygen and sunlight, hence the tunnels. They have been mining minerals in the tunnels and feed on humans -- using their technology as bribes. (a.I., black goo, med beds, levitation) Gene Decode / Kerry Cassidy / Phil Schneider / Dr. Salla / Secret Space Program "20 and Back" and it seems to be a consensus of opinion ... Its a logical course for the development of this satanic order / honey pots / andrenochrome.
Be ready to stand alone in this world. Truth never stands with the majority.
Yes, you are right, this is possible of course. IĀ“ve heard the same things too often but only opinions without any evidence, right? So, the rabbit hole goes deep and deeper probably.
It is said, that the hidden history of Skythia/Tartaria (--> worldwide connected ancient electromagnetic water power grid hundreds of years old built from unearthly creatures) the real hidden history in the world is bc it leads to god (frequency, vibration, energizing the aether/water, levitating and all this stuff...). In fact, you see it everywhere. LetĀ“s see, what else we can find out. The deception is tremendous.
I agree. we know something is wrong and the actions do not appear logical ... other than the gen-0-side ideas ... but why they are performing this evil is confusing. If doing it to appease the "bad" aliens its just a matter of time til the bad guys become the aliens lunch.