Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
The ROCKEFLLERS- THEY change names to HIDE in Plain Sight. Disney Actor Kurt Russell/Rodman Rockefeller The Son of Aldrich Rockefeller. Pierres Morgan /Herman Rockefeller- MI5, MI6 & the CIA faked Herman Rockefeller’s death in 2010, so 'Pierres' became the conservative, anti-gun, anti-American CNN reporter.
Tom Hanks/Michael Rockefeller-The CIA helped Michael Rockefeller fake his death so he could live out his PEDO Trafficking lifestyle as the Hollywood Actor. The Rockefeller Family filed a false missing persons report &wasted millions of taxpayer dollars by having the US Navy &Coast Guard search for Michael Rockefeller in 1961, when they in fact faked his death to fraudulently collect his billion dollar life insurance policy from Lloyds of London. All part of the high society of their respective fields (banking, politics, music industry)
Laurance Rockefeller, his son John Podesta and grandson Chester Bennington.