Waking up people with one bread crumb at a time. And having compassion for those who can't SEE yet, BC everyone learns at different paces!
okay lets put our heads together to figure this out...
they say more FF are incoming.
we have a Patriotic Convoy that Canada says R terrorist
the convoy is supposed to be spending the night by Parliament (they say has walls around it)
Do you think some booms 💥 happen there
or on the way to DC??
I am arguing with myself.
these 34 satanic locations...
will these go 💥
one at a time or all at once.
How would you do it?
(remember this is based on white hats R in control)
I am also arguing with myself about war
how do you unite the world with war?
because you have to blame someone right?
Does anyone have any theories??
How do you unite the world? You take away the most respected leader, and the military who was supposed to save our world. Then we only have each other. The dark night of the soul.
That was their plan . No hope .
I think the military who was used to bring devastation to numerous Countries and who were disliked for that reason now have a chance to redeem themselves by bringing hope to a world lost but for them.
No, I'm not talking about the DS.
In order for the world to come together, we have to not rely on any leaders (at least for a short time). No inspirational leader like DJT, but ordinary people stepping up. No military/alliance (temporarily), but groups of law-abiding citizens reclaiming their rights.
This is the part of the hero's journey where all will seem lost. But then the hero comes charging back to save the day. This is a movie, after all.
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
Yes I actually think its working tho because I have family and friends who dont listen and are now who are totally confused about what is going on and getting hot under the collar about taxes and gas prices and immigration and Biden. 😂