If anyone knows anything about Bitmining facilities I would like your opinion. ND Governor Burgum already lies in bed with Bill Gates and China, now he is supporting bitmining in ND and is bringing in Rick Tabish to build it for 1.9 billion, who was up for conviction of the murder of Ted Binion (Lonnie Theodore Binion (November 28, 1943 – September 17, 1998), or Ted Binion, was a wealthy American gambling executive and one of the sons of famed Las Vegas casino magnate Benny Binion, owner of Binion's Horseshoe. Ted Binion's death has been a subject of controversy; girlfriend Sandra Murphy and her lover Rick Tabish were initially charged and convicted in Binion's death, but were later granted a new trial and acquitted on the murder charges.) This just sounds scandalous to me and not good for ND. If anyone has info please let me know! I feel China is behind this bitmining!🥺🤔🤔

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹
Mystery still surrounds Ted Binion’s 1998 death in Las Vegas | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Ted Binion’s death 20 years ago led to what has become known in Las Vegas as the “trial of the century.”
Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹
This just not feel good to me! 🤔🤔😠😠https://www.kvrr.com/2022/01/27/burgum-defends-ties-with-man-who-has-extensive-criminal-background/
Burgum defends ties with man who has extensive criminal background - KVRR Local News
Gov. Doug Burgum & Rick TabishFARGO (KVRR-KFGO) – Gov. Doug Burgum’s office is defending the governor’s relationship with the president of a company that plans to build a nearly $2 billion bitcoin mining data center near Williston. Rick Tabish has an extensive criminal backgrou..