Dad to 4, 1 in Heaven, Baylor Grad, Messianic * Pilot #JesusIsTheSonOfGod * #LifeBeginsAtConception #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #StandAgainstEvil
Ka-BQQM soon?
#WhiteHouse about to implode and come down at#FreeFall speed like the#WorldTradeCenter buildings on 9/11?
“The White House is being prepared for DEMOLITION.” ~ Benjamin Fulford
Texas senior citizen, Patriot, Mom, awesome aunt, married 57 yrs! Loves God, country and our President, Donald J. Trump!
But, what EXACTLY, does that accomplish? And we put stock in what the CIA tells us? I sure don't! Besides, where will Brandon and his family live now? Many in the general populace still believe he IS the president and they will be all confused, let alone poor old Joe who doesn't know where he most of the time anyway! Yeah, this should be an interesting tale for the MSM to spin!! I'm sure Russia will be part of this somehow too!
"Brandon" has NEVER lived in the White House..... he is on location.
Yes, yes.....we know about the "movie set!" I was being sarcastic.......MOST of us know there has been no one living there since Trump left. Brandon lives in his own "little world!"