🚨HOW DOES THIS SHIT TO HAPPEN?? Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Partly Owned a Chinese Company That Sold Computers Equipped With Spyware to the US Military
During the time that Feinstein led the Senate Intelligence Committee, she had a Chinese spy working on her staff. In fact, the spy worked for her for 20 years. Feinstein and her husband have invested tens of millions of dollars in Chinese businesses, making a hefty profit
One investment was a Chinese computer company that sold its products to the US military. Those computers came equipped with a spyware chip that allowed them to keep track of what the computers were being used for. Founded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, an institution tied to both the Chinese government and the PLA. You know the company by the name they use on their products here, Lenovo
READ: https://djhjmedia.com/steven/sen-dianne-feinsteins-husband-partly-owned-a-chinese-company-that-sold-computers-equipped-with-spyware-to-the-us-military/
Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Partly Owned a Chinese Company That Sold Computers Equipped With Spyware to the US Military | DJHJ Media
Dianne Feinstein and her husband, Richard Blum, have had many business dealings with China. During the time that Feinstein led the Senate Intelligence Committee, she had a Chinese spy working on her staff. In fact, the spy worked for her for 20 years. Feinstein and her husband have invested ten ...