Juan O' Savin Update: Flynn Arrested?? (Must Video) - best news here
In this shocking video, Juan dissects why he believes that General Flynn has been arrested by the White Hats and the good guys are back in full control. He also shares some major info and Intel for upcoming events.
I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.
Could you please tell me WHERE in this video that Juan says Flynn was arrested? I skipped around trying to find some part of this conversation about it but I cannot listen to 2 hours of Juan's slow talking with hundreds of "Um"s and "Uh"s in between.
Could you give me the start point?

On telegram at https://t.me/WakeUpSleepers . Plus https://truthsocial.com/@FreeSpiritedOne - Please don't use this as a dating site. Thanks
I couldn't find it either. Utsava put out a correction on this.
Utsava, [1/26/2022 8:13 PM]
Correction:#Juan did not say that Flynn was arrested, others said that. This does not prove he was arrested or not, we just don't have confirmation at this point. As I always say: Let's wait and see...