A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
Frequent Ear Ringing is mostly cause by energetic downloads or DNA activation. High peak of Schumann Resonance can cause ear ringing and head pressure.
Here are Natural Reliefs & Best Essential Oils for Ear Ringing:
1. Helichrysum
2. Lavender
3. Juniper Berry
4. Cypress
5. Patchouli
6. Basil
7. Petitgrain
*Never put essential oils into your ear directly.
The good essential oils are very potent and should always be diluted in a good carrier oil such as Olive, Grape seed, Coconut and Almond oil before they are applied to the skin. You can apply two or three drops on the earlobe, behind the ear, and to the neck by the ear. Massage the oil into the skin gently. The treatments may be inhaled or placed in the areas around the ear.
Frequent Ringing In Ears Is A Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness
Frequent Ringing In Ears Is A Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness - Conscious Reminder
Hearing these frequencies is something beyond ordinary perception and comes as a result of a heightened spiritual awareness. If you are on the path of spiritual growth and you start experiencing this phenomenon, don’t be afraid – as it is an excellent sign. Ringing in your ears that happens frequent..
https://consciousreminder.com/2019/03/09/frequent-ringing-in-ears-is-a-sign-of-higher-spiritual-awareness/Why would you want to treat it ? its a sign and blessing from God.