Was just told that I:
- need to Stop doing what I'm doing [spreading Truth]
- need to get with 'reality'
- need to conform so I can participate in society
- can't 'Change the World' - 'just one person'
...and that 'My Truth' isn't the Truth.
I'll NEVER Stop Speaking Truth.
I'll NEVER conform to the Insanity of this World.
I WILL continue to Trust Myself and what I KNOW to be True.
The World IS Changing
....and I [WE] helped make it so.
[message will self-destruct] ....so Done with this World.
I hear you brother, I'm in NoVA and they live in a bubble of group thought ... yes "I'm crazy" for not getting the vax ... so I explain, then "Oh you heard that online, smerk / chuckle" and so forth.
I actually shut them up with their own philosophy, "I understand NOT everyone has the same belief systems, but we all need to respect those who may have different belief systems."
According to Clif High, who has created a program, founded "predictive linguistics" to analyze emotions and words trending and can make conclusive predictions, 9/11, covid etc., has worked with Qteam, and quite a healthy following ... says it will be obvious in 3 years - massive depopulation.
listen to him on Rumble, many interview him.
Thank You for taking the time with your words.
Appreciate it.
Discernment is critical.
Clif High - very intriguing ... He NEVER claims he knows, only points out indicators that could lead to an outcome.
He's on Rumble
Discernment is critical.
You are more than welcome, please don't take their words to heart, remember? ... "...for they know not what they say / do"
Follow Gods wisdom which dwells within you.