Look at DJT looking at Andy Warhol :-D;
2nd Pic is DJT's "friends"/McCarthy Lawyer Roy Cohn with Studio 54 Founder Steve Rubell .... "keep your friends close....."

Look at WOREHOLES lil "mason signal" at the camera.

Same way I look at these local idiots, really mofos. GOD WINS> LOL

Heard Warhol has folks painting those fkn ridiculous fiat paintings like BIDENJRPOSOPERATIVEBLOODLINER< all for real trafficking and death counts, and HOW often does "art" get truly looked into in shipping.

"Live Art"[.]🐸🇺🇸🐸🔔

Had, typo, same shit, different demon meat puppet. TWO folks on this planet God's and the spindly legged creatures tf is that. TWO SIDES> GOD WINS>