in case many have wondered what is mean by [command] in the Q post
its related to the Mc cain crime family who has dishonored the military and the complete history.
As we are oin admiratly law(sea right), the admiral command was the highest positivion of the military and wrongly higher than the US president. they hve been running operation covertly under admiralty law withthe president being the BOD of the US corp
this family is the biggest shame of the history as they made this position of inheritance.ovber mnultiple generation they have been the personification of corruption and crime

beside the lie about J McCain heroic act in vietnam , where all he does was opium, his family has been setting the whole cocaine trade out of italy all over the world, easy thre WATERS! also the marriage in the biggest crime family in arizona speaks tone! also the real reason reason of the vietnam war and the cambogia bombing (operation keystone) as they destroyed remains of the giants nephilin , in order to hide the truth ...same as irak and more.
disgrace fo the nation and the world! All if them seat on blood and lifes.such soul should be gone!