So, it's 12:04 pm eastern time. Is the belligerent occupation over? I am so ready for it to be over. Every day I cry & pray for my vaxxed family members, hoping they were part of the placebo portion of this experiment. Vaxxers don't understand why, at 67 & supposedly high risk, I don't get vaxxed & boostered willing to play Russian Roulette with a shot I don't know if I'll have an allergic or fatal reaction to. I cry when I read about polls that most democrats want us put away for not shooting up for the common good. I cry for the children--those who were trafficked, tortured & killed by demons who still walk among us, those who never see the smiles of their friends & risk serious health issues due to mask mandates in schools, those who are subjected to indoctrination by their communist teachers. I know people have to be shown, they can't be told. I know white hats are in control. I know God wins. It's just so hard to watch.

We are close in age and I share your experiences, thoughts and feelings.

Country Garden Lady, 🌻 PATRIOT WWG1WGA, Truth Seeker, Plant Seeds of Love 💚💙💜 TS @CountryGardenLady17 Twitter @nonedarecallit
Standing right there with you in spirit. Focused the energy of sorrow into resolve. Many around me will not make it through this war unless the placebos were given to them. At 72, and as you, in high so called risk, never ever going to let the government tell me what to do. Seen first hand what vaxs do to people over the years. The truth will out.

You have many of us for company. Surely God hears our prayers and pleas. How long Lord? Thy Will be done Lord.

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
That's what keeps me going. I'm strong in my convictions. I don't feel I'm weakening. There is so much going on and I do see things happening to show God and the white hats are in motion.