Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
Not only do the Grammy Award suck, but those creatures hoping to receive one suck even worse!

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
😁🤣creatures is the right work, def not humans!!

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
That's why figuring this shitshow out is so hard for people, CW.
These creatures look like us, so folks give them human attributes.
People don't understand the WHY of it all.
The REASON these creatures do the things they do (like rape & kill children, cannibalism, etc.) is BECAUSE they are NOT HUMAN.
A human being is not capable of such acts.
How many men do you know who could keep an erection while attempting to rape a screaming child?
How many people can scream at a terrified, tortured little boy the way Podesta did on that tape?
That's why so many of the normies are confused - the things appear to be human but are not.
Fucks with folks' heads, doesn't it?

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Horrifying and hard to come up with a list of food that isnt compromised. soil leached/poisoned, water poisoned, food gmo, meat 🤮🤢, pieces of human in cereal, rice, flour. Just look at the ingredients liat and avoid “natural flavors.”. You are 💯 correct! These beings are not human!

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
That's why I cook everything from scratch & grow most of what we eat.
If you don't grow it yourself, you have NO IDEA what's in it.
I even make my own salad dressings, ketchup & mayonnaise.
So SICK of their soy, canola & other seed oils... the root cause of fatty liver disease, pancreatic disease & heart disease... all sold to you as being "heart healthy" back in the 1970s...
I call BULLSHIT on that.
My gran lived to 95 and ate & cooked with only animal fats that, once rendered, could be stored on the shelf for YEARS without going rancid.
Canola oil is a HUGE cause of MS & epilepsy because it strips away the myelin sheath that coats our nerves... making them hypersensitive & eventually killing them.
Not to mention the trend of using RoundUP to "dry down" all grain crops before harvest... that cannot be removed.
Glyphosate causes leaky gut, y'all, not the wheat itself... the POISON that is all over it.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Appalling! I have a vegetable garden in the summer but we live in Michigan and unless you have more land or some sort of greenhouse, it is harder. My hope has been to grow some lettuce and tomatoes and things herbs maybe indoors this summer. Where do you get your wheat? Or do you not eat it anymore? Are there places to get non-Monsanto-ized wheat?
I want to and make my own bread. I use sourdough starter and try and use clean sources of wheat. But still..

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
We use hoop houses covered in 4 mil plastic to make us cheap but very effective greenhouse tunnels...
When you get too much rain or not enough, it's great!
We take 4' pieces of rebar & sink them into the ground 2 ft. Then, you can use 1" pvc pipe & connect them, forming an upside down U, or you can go the easy way & use cattle panels ($25 each, 25' long x 5' wide). We prefer the cattle panels for strength. Fasten them to the rebar & you have your base.
Most hardware shops will have big rolls of the plastic - like greenhouses use.
Your temps will be pretty cozy inside & you can grow your greens all year long. Heat-loving tomatoes & melons you'll have to do in the house. Get one of those grow tents for cannibis & a light. I have a 4' x 4' x 84" one with an LED light & it's awesome! You'll need

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
Rats, pushed the wrong button...
You'll need some special LED glasses if you work with the plants with the lights on. Get a small clip-on fan & you're golden.
AMAZING what you can do indoors. You'll never notice the LED light on your electric bill, either.
I don't grow our wheat right now, but I plan to this summer, along with oats, barley & corn. We just got our garden turned last summer. Right now, I'm putting lime on the soil to sweeten it so I can grow herbs & greens, okra, watermelon & moringa trees in one garden (sandy soil, partly shaded)... We've found the patch the previous owners used as a garden - black soil - and our pigs are turning that pasture right now. When they've eaten all the turf, we'll bring in a tractor & till it for our tomatos, squash, eggplant, peppers, & other veggies.
I'm going to have to lime the pastures, too; we have 13 red oaks that need replacing with pecan trees - a long-term task.
You can do it!

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Thank you for the info and encouragement!

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
You're so welcome, Nina...
You can find organic grains. I had forgotten about Baker Creek Seed Co.
Hubs is a pipefitter, but can make just ANYTHING out of metal, so he's making me a scythe to harvest with...
And I will have plenty of clean, ORGANIC straw for growing my mushroom beds, too! Mushrooms are a bit fussy - they don't like hay, but they LOVE straw.
Plus, you can make so many interesting baskets & such with the straw, too!
I don't have the right kind of pine trees for my pine needle baskets, so I'm going to make my gathering baskets from straw. I'm already planning designs in my head, LOL.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
My kids would love to do this, too! I am planning for our current location but hoping for a little more country this year.

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
If you can do it on a small scale for "practice," do it now!
There's going to be a LOT of land being sold back to We the People in the next couple of years, I'm thinking... all the stuff that the BLM has been gathering up...
Every time I tried to plan for a small place before, God told me, "Think BIGGER!"
So this time, I'm planning for about 360 acres - a full section of land!
That way, I could grow 5 different breeds of heirloom pigs I really want to grow... all the ag-related things I've wanted to do, plus have a nice B&B-type place for my best FREN@QakeLady to run a cooking school/bakery/tea room and still have enough room for my veterans project & the homesteading school!
Don't be surprised if you don't get some of the same messages.
Your kids might love it. 40 acres can hold homes for all your kids & their kids... and all the projects they want to do while you share common areas/equipment.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
That’s the plan. Enough room for our house, animals, farming, the kids, my husband’s business, and tiny houses for guests, family, etc. Our dream is to move somewhere warmer, maybe TN.

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
Tennessee can have some hella cold winters... Ever think of Northern Alabama?
There are some LOVELY spots from Randolph County in the East on Northward... You can easily find what you/re wanting, but at less than Tennessee prices.
Lots of springs in that area, too . I just KNOW you're planning to find a place with a spring & develop it... You'll want a nice little lake for growing your & watering your stock, not to mention for kids to play in... Why not take a bit of extra time & develop what we used to call a "springhouse," so if your electrics ever go out, you'll have no struggles with refrigeration?
We had a spring house at our place down in the canyons. Gran kept the butter & cheese she made there, Pop kept crocks of sauerkraut & all of the bacon & sausages & stuff he'd trade for. If we had any hams or venison left by the time the weather started warming, they'd go into the springhouse.
Water so cold it'd crack your teeth!

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
That's one of the areas I'm looking at for our next place... right in the foothills of the Appalachians, we get the elevation & reduced humidity & the great views but without our bones breaking in the winter cold.
If you know you're going to be outdoors tending to stock in winter, it just makes sense to locate where you can stand the weather.
My old spine has been broken in 9 places & I about half of the rest of my bones (right side) were broken as well, so I suffer in damp cold. Dry cold is much kinder.
Plus, the cost of firewood is greatly reduced, LOL.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
I love the area of Northern Alabama! i just need to find the perfect property and lure my husband there. He HATES MI winters! He was raised in South America in the Amazon so he is not only more a survivalist but LOVES warm weather. He is ADD though so thus the luring! I love the idea of fresh water from a spring!
Sorry to hear about your physical limitations. There are plants and oils with hesling properties, which I’m sure you know about but knitting together after injury is harder.

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
My physical limitations don't really limit me that much... My stubbornness carries me through!
I really LOVE Alabama. We live near a small town North of Mobile & although I'm not a big fan of humidity, it doesn't bother me like a winter in the Colorado mountains, LOL.
I love the fertile soil, the year-round green & the fact that all of my neighbors are Trump supporters! Not a Biden sign to be found anywhere - you have to drive to Baldwin County to see one! That's more than 60 miles from us, so I'm cool with that...
Having our own spring is key to what Hubs & I want to do with our retirement... I love to make fruit wines & cordials & my own butter & cheese, so it would be awesome to have a little springhouse where the temp & humidity are always right for keeping those, along with melons & fruit, etc.
On top of that Alabama & Mississippi are the LEAST VAXXED states in the country! That doesn't mean we don't have our share of CovID10ts, but at least they're not everywh

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
We live outside Detroit so this area is rife with Covidiots and sheep. We are one of only 2 vocal Trump supporters on our street. Even though i was raised in the suburbs I hate them now with houses so close you can hear your neighbors breathe practically.
I love to garden and can. I love to make bread and feed people. I want my 9 year old to be able to run around and experience nature and freedom. She wants animals. We have a dog but that doesnt count. Alabama does sound glorious. There are patriots in MI but it is harder to rally them.
keep your stubborness. It sounds like it stands you in good stead. 🎉🎈

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
OH. My. God.
Bless your hearts! I'll be praying for your safety until you get relocated.
You will have to endure a SERIOUS change in environs & the mentality populating those environs!
I've got a dream cooking somewhere on the back burner (mainly keeping warm) of us Patriots buying land near one another & doing our dreams separately but together... That way, we can support one another.
Tell you what the first thing you'll do is once you get moved in down here, girl.
You will EXHALE.
If you don't fall into a relaxed sleep on the spot, you'll suddenly realize how much more FREE you are & how your neighbors will be supporting you, not folks to beware of.
DO come to Alabama! I'd love to meet you in person & share ideas & seeds back & forth.
Meanwhile, have you thought of barrel gardening? It'll help keep you fed & you can bring it with you when you come to Bama!

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
I Love that idea-doing life together as neighbors. I also love the idea of barrel gardening! In the meantime while it is still desperately winter, I need to figure out some indoor gardening. I just set up a shelving unit above my kitchen sink that faces the south. Trying to find the best way to set up a mini indoor garden with tomatoes, basil, lettuce, etc. I have a book about gardening zones & doors.
If we can’t get out of Michigan this summer, it is going to get real as I expand my small garden with pots and small gardens as we can’t have a garden in the main part of our yard because that is where the dog runs.
I also have a front yard. I know the mayor in my city and she had a front yard vegetable garden at one point so I think I could get away with it. When I can’t I will take pictures of my space and maybe you will have an idea about how I can best set up planting areas. I am lucky to have a corner lot. I will say that.

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
Nina, with what's coming, anything you plant in the front yard will be stolen.
So go ahead & fence out a space in the middle of the back yard, leaving a big "U" for the dog to patrol.
You gotta grow vertical. Cattle panels make that easy. You can make an inverted "U" out of them & trellis peas & more. And it can all come with when you leave, or you can donate to a decent Patriot neighbor.
I'm casually looking/dreaming/designing the property I want in my mind & online. If I find some luscious places, I'll send them to you.
I'm wanting about 360 acres, so I have plenty room for livestock, plus a small castle for friend,@QakeBaker's baking school/tea room/hotel, plus about 4 rustic cabins tucked away amidst woods, riding stable for our guests, huge organic gardens, plus room to grow the feed that the animals will require.
I haven't farmed that big since the early 1990s.
It's gonna be fun.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Love the idea of going vertical! will research best methods. I will pray about and start dreaming bigger for future property. My oldest wants horses. the attached pictures are of the “one tgat got away” in TN. honestly, the property was too small.
All that on 2 acres means your grazing area must be less than an acre. You need at least 5 acres to feed 1 horse without supplementing hay & it takes an improved pasture to do that...
I reckon you could find a similar place here in Alabama with about 14 acres.
Then you have PLENTY of room for horses, dogs, gardens, patios, & your house & garages.
I'll keep an eye out.

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Yes. For sure! We need much more space for gardening, grazing, bunkers 😂, etc. time to get a plan in place.

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
And if we end up in the same county, all the better!
We'll form a co-op & start a "farm fresh" store!