1 of 3 - please read thru them all.
I've been saying this from the very beginning.
No one DIES of Covid, they die from secondary issues. Same thing for Chickenpox, Measles, etc. You end up dying from sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis, and other SECONDARY issues. Not from the disease itself.
So here we see the CDC director stating that 75% of deaths had at least 4 comorbidities - meaning, they had diabetes, lupus, heart disease, kidney disease, other diseases, etc. They already were on the edge of death with each new morbidity they were diagnosed with...a common cold, the flu, dehydration, an injury like a fall, anything could have pushed them over into death.
We have been lied to since day 1. We have also seen our loved ones die when they didn't need to - we KNOW putting someone on a ventilator kills them, and then you add in remdesivir and it is a death cocktail. And if they don't die fast enough, they order morphine to 'ease the pain' and the patient dies quickly.