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Public health emergency TAKES PRIORITY over OUR CIVIL RIGHTS!
Explanations of why it is not a HIPAA violation for someone, anyone really, to ask you your vaccination status. Let’s give a straightforward answer we can all understand.
NO. It is not a HIPAA violation for someone to ask you anything.
UNLESS that person is a prospective employer, your manager, or another role where your privacy rights would be violated or other employment laws may be triggered. For me, that’s the rub with this question.
While I can ask you if you’ve been vaccinated, you can choose to decline to answer.
If I then say, well, I won’t hire you unless you can prove it, or I won’t let you into this venue, or I won’t let you on this plane, then the question becomes are your civil rights being violated?
At present, the belief seems to be a public health emergency takes priority over our civil rights.
We may differ in our opinions on this, but I think we can all agree this has been
and if a patron’s response is that they are exempt because of sincere religiously held beliefs, in your opinion, would refusal of services result in discrimination and would that be okay under the guise of a public health emergency? Something akin to what occurred during the civil rights movements in tge 60’s when it was okay to ask someone their ethnicity and then refuse service if they declined to answer. Not necessarily a HIPAA violation, but discriminatory in nature either way.
Health status, ethnicity, religious belief, gender, age. It’s discriminatory to refuse service to any of the above, including vaccination status. Asking what someone’s vaccination status is opens up the possibility to allow for discrimination for any reason - period.