Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.

Sorry for my absence patriots. Great to feel that Vibe again. Impossible to ignore it.

New version for AnonUp will be released first Quarter 2022.

Focus: First stage of decentralization.

-MetaMask login option. (Trustwallet April 2022)

-NFT Profile Option. (Export profile rights to ETH or BSC Blockchain)

-CryptoCurrency Option. (Earn crypto off your content)

Note: I know the current version has some bugs. We will address them all in V2.

Really looking forward to the future. You all have done an amazing job as a community to fook all the trolls. It was 100% the community. This is a huge accomplishment. I also want to say Thank you for being part of all this.


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The World is changing and I'm on the Transition Team! Trump Won and even better God Wins ~ Once In A Lifetime

In response ela marriti to her Publication

Honestly I think the VK account is okay and I don't think VK or Kobayashi have done anything wrong. They are helping lead us to new social media and financial futures. I think some guidance to the crypto future is a good thing. I don't believe it is mark of the beast or that Jesus would flip VK table..... Jesus may flip Bitcoin's table for that is used for evil.

The SABMYK stuff is my first hearing of it and it just trying be Q and they are doing lousy job at it. Use Metamask if you want to. It should be a good learning experience. Also "Meta" means change, beyond, after which sounds good for our new financial system. VK also said Meta was hijacked by Zuckerberg.

Hope that helps and better yet makes any sense as I am new to crypto and NFT. Have a fabulous day Ela !!

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Only followers of this user (@KimDonaldson07) can see their posts

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