I watched a video on Telegram from someone who knows people in Russia and Kazakhstan and he said what we’re seeing on the news isn’t true.
He said the truth is that the people did overthrow the government but it’s because of the vax mandates and the government made it that unless you’re vaccinated, you can not withdraw money from your bank and they’ve frozen your bank account.
So the people lit politicians houses on fire, their version of Capital Hill on fire. They started to arrest corrupt doctors, corrupt cops.
The president and high officials in that Country have fled.
He said it’s total chaos over there.

Spiritual being having human experience. Mother. Writer/Poet. Country living. Animal Activist. Passion is Art. Avid reader. Single. GOD!!!
She is lying to us.
The videos show the truth of the uprising.
I've seen them.

It sure seems like the clip was cut a lot. Like they werr skipping parts of video and cutting in with what they wanted. Everything can be manipulated on the internet. Not surr what to believe as other videos said complete opposite

Read Reuters and AP News explanation and then think opposite.

If you want the truth then listen to the msm and whatever they say is happening then you know it is something else. So if the msm says it is because of gas prices then it is because of the vax mandates. It’s really that simple.

NCSVVIC -> NOTHING! WWG1WGA_WW Twatter - @Conc3rndC1t1zN Truth Social - @QualityControl
Paid Actor? 🤔🧐🔍🤔

She had some good backup claims. Check the complete content on her channel & decide.

WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9
this is just an opinion i would take it with a pinch of salt what has happened is the people are pissed off with their government plain and simple the people sitting indoors are probably vaxxed until i see actual evidence of her claim then i will beleive we cannot take her word for it there are millions onnthe street and they are us not them the country has collapsed the government has gone resigned now the rest of the world needs to follow suite