They fired my wife on 11/22 from her ICU RN job in NY
Since that day we fall into poverty at a quickening rate
This is what the Doctors took a payoff for in my head
They profit off of our suffering, death, and their fear

🙏 'home of the brave'
NY is the testing ground?
whoever said it (ezra cohen?) that,
if NY fails, the whole country fails
'in toto' / in all
also, Toto did a song 'home of the brave' 🤗

DO NO HARM turned into pay me enough and I'll hurt everyone. Pharma is dead.

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
Thank Q, all in God's will and I am happy to serve it.
F them all

Blunt to the point of abrasive..I shoot from the hip.. AM directed by the heart .. tempered by the 🧠

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
right on Lisa, love that meme

American patriot living on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic
it doesn't seem like America anymore, infiltration by marxists/communists ignoring the constitution. The republic is not the bastion of freedom it is meant to be. We were sold out. You have skills and talents, you will be alright. A hard road to go. Strength and courage. LOVE IS alive and well. KEEP safe.

Q is my favorite letter!!!!!! I love my country, I love freedom..and I believe in spreading TRUTH!!!
I'm sorry your family is going through this. 😔Can you leave QUICKLY..cause it's going to get worse REALLY SOON... get out while you still can....

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
Not leaving NY I am high in the hills and no fucking way I am leaving my home

I believe in God, country, & stengthening our frequency and inner light. Unwaivering in faith, love my fellow Patriots I'M ALL IN! #wwg1wga
I am so sorry that you are going through this hardship. Please know first and foremost how grateful I am for your family's sacrifice. Our country will never make progress until more brave warriors like your wife stand up against tyranny.
Has your wife tried reaching out to Frontline Doctors and other patriotic medical organizations that are active right now? There are millions of unvaccinated patients that need proper medical care from doctors and nurses that aren't compliant with the government's corrupt policies.
If anyone knows of other organizations besides Frontline Doctors that may be looking for staff, please reply to this post. Let's help the brave members of our community that stood their ground and now need work!
God bless you and your family.🙏

PATRIOT, TRUMP SUPPORTER, Mom and healer working for a better world. Leave the world a better place than we found it.
This is exactly what the powers to be planned. i am not sure where you are in NY, in Rochester area they are closing some if the walk in facilities. i think it is to drive people to the hospitals.
THIS IS ABOUT CONTROL NOT A VIRUS. WE NEED TO STAND TOGETHER WHILE THE POWERS TO BE ARE DESTROYED. THOSE PEOPLE TAKING PAYOUTS AND DRIVING THIS PLANDEMIC WILL PAY. In the mean time we have to figure out a way to stay afloat. YOU are on the right side of history. just figure out a plan to scale back TEMPORARILY if need be.
THERE ARE ANSWERS GO WITHIN! We stick together they will not win. WE Have 2 choices. Live in the cabals NWO or design our new earth the way God intended.
Best regards. You and your family will come out better as well as humanity.

Hang on🙏

✝️ Father | Husband | American Latino | Capitalist | Millennial Patriot | 🇺🇸🦅
I am sorry brother. God has made you a strong warrior. Offer up my prayers 🙏

I am so sorry. sending prayers

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
All in God's will
No way we are taking that death jab

My heart goes out to you. My husband lost his job at the beginning of it all and my check just wasnt enough. So we packed up amd moved to new location where he found a new job only to find ourselves living in a small camper with our 4 pets because of shortage of affordable houses to rent. it's winter its cold and cant find a home. Going on 4 months now. May God Bless you and yours!

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
Oh Jay, my heart aches for you also. Enrages me to hear this crap. I was fired in Dec 20' for being a Trump supporter after I gave my company a 15% growth in sales, never before seen in there 44 years of business. They did not care, I went to a Trump rally. I would pack up and go too but I have fought JP Morgan Chase for 13 years in court for my home so I am not walking away. I will fight them until the end. Praying for you to find a better life somewhere you both deserve.

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
I work in a small doctors office of 12 people. 5 are jabbed. 7 of us arent. 4 days ago the receptionist told us her daughter who is jabbed and lives with her tested positive for rona. Office let her stay until yesterday she called in with rona like symptoms. Office stayed open. Receptionist was told to get tested. At 4:00 yesterday the manager said receptionist did test positive for rona (receptionist is jabbed). She is now off 5 days. l So i asked what protocol was for rest of staff since more than half of us are unjabbed. She said if we become symptomatic we have to get tested ASAP. So dangerous virus vs them losing over half staff and closing for 5 days and losing money…

100 percent Patriot! God is my savior. Trump is till my president 💕 Suspended from Twitter 8 times 😂
Any way. I am sorry for what you are going through. My post was not to compare my situation to yours. But to show hypocrisy of the “rules” when it affects their pockets..