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Creator I call upon you in your name that you guide me to find you. Give me wisdom to know those who wish to keep me from you. Give me strength that I may use your power to banish them from this world until you see fit to return them. Lord teach me truth and if it must I am ready to take the pain of learning your ways. I live to praise you and I ask you to help me do that. Your way, not my way. Your will, not my will. Let me crush my ego so that I serve you and not myself. I ask you Creator to bind those who wish us harm. To banish those who try to deceive us. I wish these things for all on this earth, those worthy and unworthy if it is your will. I beg you to send your holy armies down to guide and protect us while we are asleep and awake. I search for you and I ask you guide my heart to you as you have promised.
I pray this in your name.
james on jan 7 the 355 its weird bevause most movie justs showing this and its basicllay a movie about the deep state the invisible enemy
I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏