Donald Trump was at Ground Zero two days after the 9/11 attacks and was interviewed by NBC News. He hired hundreds of men to recover people from the rubble and to help in any way they could. Trump's men found 5 firefighters who were still alive, two of which walked away.
We Will Never Forget!
Thank you so much for sharing this!!! Such an awesome clip of him...he is a good man
Jesus loving patriot. Researcher, conspiracy analyst. memeist, content creator. Perpetually stationed on the digital battlefield
I posted this interview of him on a broadcast network from t9/11 and I was suspended from twitter, for posting and actual news broadcast fom that day.
i cant wait until We The People suspend Twitter forever!!!
I love my God, my country, and my President; I am here to say in touch with great Patriots. Single, and I plan to stay that way.
To think, because of him and his workers, 5 men went home to their families, and yet there are those who say he does not care for America, only his own agenda. I can not wait until those involved, in this horrible day and those who are so filled with hatred towards Trump, are brought to justice and have their eyes opened.