Obama Care established ONLY for child trafficking.
A mother who goes to her OBGYN, Dr. enters a code into computer= traffickers are tracking that mother's pregnancy. They know if she has an abortion or gave birth. The child is tracked for the 1st few years. They have all the medical data: Blood type, DNA.
Obama care coding system eliminated medical confidentiality World Wide. A 5-digit coding system with over 80,000 codes. "We call it medical abduction in this country."
i.e; Parents went to Phoenix Children's Hospital. Dr. took notes & his medical coding expert feeds those notes into the computer. CPS (Child Protective Services) & the Superior Court of Arizona rent space in the basement of the hospital. Once a red flag goes up on the CPS worker's computer, he has the complete medical record, home address, parents' names.
A document is created for CPS, judge signs, & within 5 minutes take the child. That's how they do it. In every hospital."
OMG where’s Constitutional rights? Where’s patient advocacy? Where is due process on charges CPS falsly creates? This is just downright absurd and totally criminal. Obamacare was fraudulanting hiding its secrets to unsuspecting people, why isn’t it abolished by now?

Our Constitution ended when we became a corporation in 1871. 😔
We need to go back to our rightful Constitution.

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹
Well from what I have been informed USA, Inc. (AKA The District of Columbia) a foreign land on US soil is nonfunctioning and military is in control but the rest of the Republic of the USA 50 states is functioning under the Constitution. So they are horribly violating medical privacy! This stupid game needs to be over already!