A New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowledge of GOOD & evil?
Perhaps he was talking specifically (without actually saying it) about Barron, injured but is on the super genius scale of autism.
Mom, Granny, # Christian and #RedPilled for years . #GodBlessPresidentTrump #TheBestIsYetToCome
I have heard this before. I understand Baron is an excellent chess player, but I havent seen any proof of Baron having autism.
I have friend with autistic kids and they are impulsive and I have not seen that in Baron.
I really don't know but know it's a broad spectrum. Could be more Aspergers. Those I'm aware of that have Aspergers have abilities far beyond most people. But again, I don't know about Barron, just echoing what others have speculated.