Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana runs across so many ppl that are allowing anger and bitterness to screw up their lives and some dont even recognize it.
Love and Compassion and being able to forgive those that do you wrong are the only way forward to evolve our race.
And the first person in life that we have to forgive is ourselves.
We have all done things wrong & most of the time the deepest wounds we suffer are the pains we carry around with us for things we have not forgiven our selves for doing or not doing & we allow them to rule our lives.
God forgives all if we ask. Learn first to forgive your self and then others and you will be amazed at the way your life changes and the joy that will come into your heart.
Dont go to sleep at night with all those things on you, forgive, lay it down, put it in the past and fixed column and stop thinking about it. Leave it behind. It is done.
No more nagging at yourself over it.
Sleep well without regrets!
Nana, I needed this today. My heart has been so heavy for all of the things I feel as though I lack as a wife, mother and being in general. What a beautiful reminder to remember to love yourself through it all.
Thank you for your love, light and positivity. ❤️
Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Love you too hun, we cant be frivolous with life but we have to remember we are already eternal and we need to love ourselves cause we have an awful long time to be.
He is a forgiving God.