Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Sorry for my absence patriots. Great to feel that Vibe again. Impossible to ignore it.
New version for AnonUp will be released first Quarter 2022.
Focus: First stage of decentralization.
-MetaMask login option. (Trustwallet April 2022)
-NFT Profile Option. (Export profile rights to ETH or BSC Blockchain)
-CryptoCurrency Option. (Earn crypto off your content)
Note: I know the current version has some bugs. We will address them all in V2.
Really looking forward to the future. You all have done an amazing job as a community to fook all the trolls. It was 100% the community. This is a huge accomplishment. I also want to say Thank you for being part of all this.
Koba - GREAT JOB - we love you for all that you have created!
T H A N K . Y O U . would be happy to donate $$$ for this site, which ever way is best ... would love this site to create NFTs for V2 ... very exciting times.
Clicked on your "gold star" found the donate section but it wasn't operational ... wouldn't take my USSA card - bc USSA was hacked and all cards were stopped.
I will try again!