Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender
I've been fighting against this bullshit since the very beginning, like I know many of the free thinkers of the world have. Like I said, this is a clinical trial.I know that in order to be a part of a CLINICAL TRIAL you have to give CONSENT. I tend to not consent to things that I have NO CLUE about, which is why I RESEARCH EVERYTHING before I make a CHOICE that I will have to PERSONALLY LIVE WITH and ENDURE for the rest of MY LIFE. I've done my research, and for that reason I do not consent. Since I do not consent to the "vaccine" I will not be an active participant in the (violation of human rights to protect us) guidelines, because those very guidelines were put in place to scare and coerce us into getting this "vaccine".#IDoNotConsent therefore#IWillNotComply
Very well said - totally agree! 👍🏻💫🕊💥👊🏻