I can't wait until the mockingbird media easts shit.

Only people mentioned by @GhostEzra in this post can reply

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Yo Ander u evil cunt, how come u not trying to sue Q then? ;)

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Raise your hand if you think CNN/MSM
and the Guilty, s a t a n i c, Corrupt Underworld,
Deepstate, NWO, Lovers of pedo. activity/Human Trafficking -
are trying to not only discredit Q but all of us that believe they are completely evil?
Is Q one man or an Army of people that have a hell of a lot of
Common Sense?

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Is that supposed to be Anderson Cooper? Spike the hair up a little more and looks a little like a Rugby chick I closelined in college.

Only followers of this user (@RedpilledRN) can see their posts

Daughter of a Purple Heart Marine who fought in the Korean War. My love for God Family & Country - my mantra. Great time to be alive.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Me too, sick of these arrogant low lifes.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Truther, Patriot! Seeking Justice for All!🐸 🇺🇸#WWG1WGA #SaveTheChildren

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication


In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I watched maybe tge first 15 min and had to turn it off when i saw the pOS talking. i cant wait for them to go down.

Formerly DOE Q Cleared Patriot and a proud Veteran of Great MEME War of '16 Re-enlisted in 2020. WWG1WGA!!! #DigitalSoldiers

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

AC is gonna be farting black feathers for a month with all the crow he's gonna have to eat!


In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I can't wait until a bold bald eagle tears this stupid mockingbird to shit!!

Warrior on my knees a digital warrior GOD BROUGHT ME HERE Here I am LORD is it WWG1WGA MEGA justice War room is where I take my battles

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

yup amd me both brother you and me both

Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Looks like MSM is ramping up their QAnon Attack on ALL fronts?!
Expect more now that Digital Soldiers have attacked their Honeypot: Wall St and Lefties are jumping ship...

Only followers of this user (@RedpilledRN) can see their posts

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.

In response Ministry For Truth to his Publication

Those bitches can run...

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Patriot. Digital Soldier. Transparency breeds Trust. Trust unites People. Where We Go 1 We Go All.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Formerly DOE Q Cleared Patriot and a proud Veteran of Great MEME War of '16 Re-enlisted in 2020. WWG1WGA!!! #DigitalSoldiers

In response Reccared WWG1WGA to his Publication

You got a Trojan attached to that link...

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Patriot. Digital Soldier. Transparency breeds Trust. Trust unites People. Where We Go 1 We Go All.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

American Patriot, Native Floridian, Quasi Off The Grid Rural Swamp Dweller (By Choice!). Trump/MAGA Supporter. Banned Off Twit,YT,IG..next?

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

🤣Nah...this smells, no, reeks of yet another poorly constructed media spin. Sounds too rehearsed and the guy kept refrring to Q as "he". To me, it seems like they read some posts/tweets etc and created a storyline using "keywords". AC alays pushes too hard when trying to absolve himself...which of course, just cements his guilt. Just more

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

This person is an impertination.

Daughter of the most high✝️❤️🇺🇸

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

His mother was Gloria Vanderbildt, who by the way was a freaking whackadoodle and drew weird art that she hung over their beds (told in his documentary memorial to her). He's gay and if I remember correctly, his brother committed suicide at a young age. He's part of the derranged establishment. These People are SICK!! and now we Know!


In response Jean Hercegova to her Publication

I heard the brother was sacrificed but you know his 'suicide' was the cover as it was too early to blame CONVID19.

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In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication


In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Just shows how desperate they are to save their 'skin'.

Q follower from the beginning here to support digital soldiers to spread the truth, Patriot bleed red white and blue #WWG1WGA ProTrump

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

yes shut them down and big tech enemy of the people sick of MSM and fake news

ULTRA MAGA Patriot, God Wins- Be patient...

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

I don't believe for a second this guy ever followed Q or was a Trump supporter....

I'm in IT, to win IT, and win IT BIGLY. WWG1WGA!!! I'm a Twitter Refugee that has been banned 10 TIMEs. Fight the GOOD fight. The Q!!!

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Their fall from GRACE will be EPIC.

😎MAGA 🇺🇸 So Cal Native 🌴☀🏖 *MCGA*💝🐸 🇺🇸💪 Proud PRESIDENT TRUMP Supporter 🙏 #DarkToLight #GodWins

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

loving the look of PANIC fits you well 😆 Anderson

The Great Awakening. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

QAnon exposé brought to you by a pedo homo satanist CIA mockingbird CGI CNN host.🤣

Missing my frens! Waiting for the plan to unfold!

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication


Are you on the Side that Oppresses or one that Liberates? GESARA: A Free United & Prosperous Humanity: WWG1WGA!

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Perhaps they already have...?

Why did the new Crown Prince of ASaudi visit America a few years ago again? A visit that almost got him assasinated?

Sure there's some lowere minions that are greenlighted...
Given orders to play their role...
Allowed to continue to do what they do best...
Being in the dark about the ongoings at the top...?

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

🤦‍♀️people are insance if they think the Cooper on CNN is the real Cooper. Cooper is long gone to GITMO. Likely sharing a cell w/Rick MAddow..........

Living in the now-space. No DMs, please.

In response Chris Cunningham to his Publication

I thought that Cooper looked different in that more recent photo!

The Great Awakening. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming.

In response Chris Cunningham to his Publication

Or executed already.

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Loud and proud Kansas Trump supporter! Great job Pompeo. GO TRUMP!

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

CNN ratings are going to go through the roof tonight, and drop right back to zero when this show is over!

WWG1WGA, Trump is still my President. God Wins! We win. We will overcome the censoring.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

They think people are still asleep. We see what they do. Their mockingbird tricks no longer work. No one gets away! They have it all.

In response Ghost Ezra to his Publication

Can't wait for the boomerang!