Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS

Great post, Bernadette.
Gender "confusion" has long been a deep state agenda.
They bombard a female fetus with male hormones
& vice versa.
It's likely Ghislaine Maxwell is a man & so are her "sisters."
Or they are, at very least, masculine-like
because of the testosterone they were bombarded with.
Sick sick sick.
Gender confusion is many things
& traumatic is one of them.
If you don't know WHO or WHAT you are in your core
then you're easily persuaded
& controlled.
The deep state demons can't be disappeared from Creation
fast enough!! 💪💥😼
We are crushing these sick people.
God bless, Patriot.
just watched the Disney trailer for Encanto, there was transgender symbolism it it. since you children ARE probably going to ask you to take them to go see it. it was in the short clip!

Thanks for helping parents out, Ella 🙏💞🇺🇸