Did you know Flynn is making $20,000 to $70,000 per speaking engagement? Did you know he recently led an occult prayer during a church service? (Trunews covered it). Did you know he believes in one religion for the US? (It's on tape) Do you remember when he wore that pedo symbol shirt in that picture he posted on Twitter in 2020? I could go on, including him trying to profit off the slogan 'digital soldiers', but I'll stop. Flynn is a PAYtriot who is not interested in overturning the 2020 election. Instead, he's looking to run for President in 2024. Oh, and Sydney isn't clean either, nor is Patrick Byrne, but I'll just leave that there for those who choose to research it. We have a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing in this movement and everyone has to be paying attention. Flynn is not the patriot many thought he was.