Californian Patriot!! Love my family, country, and all patriots. God Bless. #TrumpIsStillMyPesident
DJT is a blessing, God blessed him at birth. There are many of us that are blessed, we just need to listen to our inner voice. God is speaking to us.

yes folks, this is the real orange man.
may Gods fill this earth with people that committ such random acts of racism

Christian Conservative, rebellious when necessary. Love God, family, & country.

Every time I read about the things he does, I get a lump in my throat and my eyes well with tears. I wonder why doesn't every person realize what a truly incredible man he is?! But then I think, I'm just glad I know. I love OUR President!

Patriot, mom, researcher, knitter, artist, sourdough bread maker, DIY
Same here. Amazing how we can share in this feeling on a different platform. I'm wondering are they blind or stupid? But I don't want to fall into the namecalling and negativity; just hard to see...

Jesus, the name above all names. #PrayForAmerica #DigitalSoldiers #PrayforTrump #WWG1WGA #GodWins
Still my President ❤

God Bless the United States for America; Donald J Trump is my President (for which I am deeply grateful) and Jesus is Lord! GOD WINS
...and this is the man Democrats hate?
What does that say about them?
What does that say about all of US that Love him?

Christian Conservative, rebellious when necessary. Love God, family, & country.
I believe the Dems always need someone to hate. They chose President Trump because he isn't one of the elites in the political realm. That is my opinion.

I remember hearing the flat tire story about 25 years ago when I worked in Manhattan. Always heard good things about President Trump.

God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour, and Trump is my President. #LoveWins #GodFamilyCountry #JustSayNoToSocialism
There is not enough wealth in the world to repay our President and all who are working with him for what thez have and are doing for Americans and America. God bless and keep them all safe.

really feeling ashamed of having had an unexplainable and falseflagged hate against the Greatest Man ever walked the 3rd TESTAMENT

The man.

I so wish people could see Trump's Heart❤️. He has been attacked and slandered ever since he came down that Escalator. [THEY] knew what it meant for THEM! People will experience tremendous PAIN for mocking and ridiculing this President when the truth comes out! When has any other President told us he loves us?💖✨

been away for a while. Celebrating 4 years out of the medical industry. Much has changed...
my President

Max Spiers and James Casbolt in one Interview
Watch this, it's worth it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzpvGrmxuYc