The Sacred Blue Tent Channel, [12/17/2021 5:48 PM]
[Forwarded from Finding Truth (homer adam)]
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The images from the 2012 Olympics are familiar to most eye-opened people.
But what about the 1992 Barcelona Olympics?
19 = covid 19
92 = 2 × 9 = 18 = 666
Notice the covid symbol.
Notice the horns of the devil.
Notice Hydra.
Notice the Graphene oxide.
Notice how long ago it was!
All I have to say is WTF and what idiots sit through this garbage and call it entertainment. Even in 1992 when I was suspicious, getting inklings and all, I would have been the first one to comment on what classless garbage and find out where to make my comments large. In fact, in the 1980's I had already told my friends to not even bother inviting me to a concert. Between the vibrations and the 'show' I knew -could feel the satanic energy for days. Couldn't wait to get out and get home from events like that let alone 'party' at them. I was in my late teens and 20's. It wasn't 'cool' or 'fun'. I just don't get why anyone would sit through this......