Many thanks to all of you for the get well wishes, they were / are very much appreciated!
Today is the first day since last week that I can say I feel better. Not as much with a fever, chills, muscle and joint pain. It was like one of my sinus infections x10!
I AM a child of GOD. I love GOD. GOD has my heart. Thank you GOD.
Prying to God Almighty that you get well very soon and for good. God loves you.
Discernment is critical.
Such Good News - we missed you.
Found this.... pretty interesting
Marker 29:40 - 2nd interview begins
"NESARA With Mr Trumptastic"
VRIL BODY SNATCHERS/ Gene Decode And Nick Veniamin Interview/ NESARA With Mr Trumptastic
CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SALE! My Hand Made Orgones Protect Your Body And Mind From 5G EMF/RF Radiation! Please Visit My Online Store- A Donation With A GIFT! Your Purchas you are better, we have been dealing with the same thing. Sinus infection, feels like your entire head is filled with pillow stuffing. Annoying to say the least. Get well soon!