🔴Reader for#part_6 (advertise)
See the#part_5 of the CIA triangle here 👇
✔️⚫️✔️Restarter the following pages and virtual pages of#Jews,#Zoroastrians,#Bahais,#Sunis,#BBC,#Voice_of_America, Me and You Network, and go to the sixth part (this year's verdict program is different) Propagate and tell their ladies and gentlemen that the leader of the restart has come to take their request from you and reveal#new_secrets for you and the#nation_of_Iran!
The land of Cyrus should be given to#Cyrus
(Restart Leader rule is mandatory)
✔️Why are the#Bahaei leaders silent ?!
✔️Why are the#Sunni leaders silent ?!
✔️Why are the#Dervish leaders silent ?!
✔️Why are the leaders of#Unity_of_existence silent ?!
✔️Why are the Jewish leaders silent ?!
✅Except for the restart leader, no one deserves to establish a government !!!