Waking up people with one bread crumb at a time. And having compassion for those who can't SEE yet, BC everyone learns at different paces!
Did anyone see the news video interview with Trump? He used the words Liquid Gold under our feet!
then this was on Bob Joyce TG page..
I dont think there is an OIL stortage.... HMMMMM👇
[Forwarded from Electric Beings ☀️]
[ Video ]
Someday we'll all learn oil isn't made from dinosaur fossils. It is naturally produced from within the earth, like the blood within our bodies. It is a renewable resource which can never run out.
The scarcity tactics is used by the elites to promote them as "fossil" fuel, because allegedly being fossil fuels, it means that it will run out, therefore keeping the prices high.
Infact there is almost as much underground oil, as there is water here on Earth.

Bring on the New World, cause this one fucking sucks!
How in the fook did we fall for dinosaur fossils for oil?
Wait till you find out dinosaurs never existed. That popped up recently.

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
oh they existed alright..
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