As a follower of Jesus Christ and a Christian who adheres to the gospel of God's grace in this present dispensation, I know now than ever before what it means to be "in the world and not of the world." My hope is in God and not a political party, a constitutional / conservative politician nor any President past or present. Ever since the 2020 election was stolen - both political parties allowed it - movie or not; I left the party that threw our President Trump under the bus. I left Fox News. I left a lot of conservative organizations that brought legal action to no avail. Finally, dear Jesus, I get it . . . I am in this world and not of it . . . I'm not here to make America great again; because a lot of Americans are dying without Christ; but to honor Christ and share the gospel with as many peeps as I can and leave the things of this fallen world to people who are in the world and of the world. Period.