CODE RED (Cody Granrud)

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹
Oh they must have had one of their spirit cooking meals! Ughh, said OZ was a RINO! https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/11/25/a-primer-on-spirit-cooking-with-marina-abramovic-the-first-cut-is-the-deepest/

Why Is He With Her? He One If Them?

Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. wego.social. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS
hmm...LOOK what we have here....Spirit Cooker Marina Abromivic aka Michael Maxwell (Ghislaine brother) and Dr. 0f OZ and ?. PEDO's hang out with PEDO's.
Only followers of this user (@KRaZiKiLLeTTe) can see their posts

eep opp ork ahah because the world need more love in it listen Hopi elders and know their prophecy TRUST GOD THE CREATOR and pray
He moved from NJ to PA and is running in PA
My Dad's so excited, every old person and day time TV person going to vote for him ☹️
He says choice for the vaxxx but promotes it.
He has taken money for the Red Flag laws on guns!!!!!