Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

Think logically.

The C_A knew Q was going to happen.

They knew certain individuals had flipped and some had not been following orders.

It’s logical to think the C_A has a digital team most likely in cahoots with MSM, Mi5, Mi6, MOS, etc and their goal is to fool you with very specific intel tactics they have been using for not only hundreds of years but since the days of Cain & Abel.

These pieces of shit will fool many good people. Don’t let them fool you.

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.

In response Beverly Chase to her Publication

Chalet reports. Never heard of 'em. You need to read all of the Q drops about Flynn. Then you decide what to believe.

To make it easy on yourself, start by reading the shortest drops.

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

In response Jan Jackson * * * to her Publication

I have read them, ill dig deeper but what im finding lately is those we thought were good are not and those we though were bad are good......for instance Barr......however this could be a trap im praying thats all it is. Flynn would be a shock to us all, but ill keep digging. There have been some funny things from him lately though. This report came from Timoth Holmseths page and his reports are credible.

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.

In response Beverly Chase to her Publication

Trying to go to Holmseth's page, I was given an alert that the page is not secure and that hackers would try to steal my information. I'm not even going to try.

Here's a good post by Flynn on Telegram:

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

In response Jan Jackson * * * to her Publication

Thats weird are you using Duckduckgo or chrome? Maybe you got a spoof page, I have never had that problem. Im reading the full story time of events ect. with Trumps setup. Ill check his Telegram page i do have him on there, but
like i said stuff is trickling in making Flynn look shady too.

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.

In response Beverly Chase to her Publication

Who is a better source of info about Flynn? Chalet Reports or Q?
Who is a better source of info about Flynn? Lin Wood or Q?

Real quick questions for you:
Would you say that someone who is protected is safe or, conversely, that someone is safe because they are protected?
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: cc0116 No.35004 📁
Dec 5 2017 00:24:14 (EST)
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our Patriots.

Would you say that if someone was/is a main target of the Deep State that that someone was/is quite the asset amongst White Hats?
From 2165:
SESSIONS and FLYNN [targeted] for [immediate] removal/recusal?

Then read Q drop 2548 and click on Twitter links.

It's a lot of homework but it will be much easier if you go straight to the source for your information. Q

I'm not mad at you but I do get frustrated that so many people are buying Wood's snake oil.

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

In response Jan Jackson * * * to her Publication

Actually Lin was not influencing me in any way, tthe drama was disturbing but i didnt know one way or another who to trust. The drops seem to refrence people to highlight them or maybe a better word would be spotlight them. Trumps game has always been this tactic. Do you know what Pegusus is? Have you followed the money on it? This is isreal, saving it for last right? Ripping off the bandaid so to speak. Im weighing tthe options but Flynn has his hands in the cookie jar, this first came out months ago i ignored it, codemoney posted it but i refused to beleive it. Then Flynn does allot of stuff i was tilting my head about, Alex Jones interviews.....what does Q say about jones? Im not judging yet but im skeptical is all, in this movement we have learned allot of stuff regarding the pope and many others who are not good people, its hard to say but follow the money gives you facts.

Beverly - I just caught something. CodeMonkey asked, " will the LYING PRESS use this to discredit the audit?" In other words, would the MSM make more of this info than is to made of it in order to discredit Flynn and, by extension, Trump and the patriot movement. Code Monkey's emphasis is not on Flynn; it's on the LYING PRESS.

Secondly, Q said that the reason they are saving Israel for last has not been mentioned time. Translation? Quit speculating about the reason because we haven't even alluded to the reason one single time.

One more: if you've seen things by Ezra A. Cohen on Telegram giving the "reason" for Israel, I need to let you know that it is a fake account. Ezra is ONLY on Twitter. Any Ezra A. Cohen you see on any other platform is FAKE. There are a lot of fake accounts on Telegram so take them with a grain of salt. In fact, there are at least TWO FAKE ACCOUNTS passing themselves as Flynn.

Q is the source. Consult the source.

In response Beverly Chase to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Jan_Jackson in this post can reply

True patriot fighting for God and country! Give me Liberty or give me death!

In response Jan Jackson * * * to her Publication

yes allot of fame accounts on telegram I avree. We will see how tbis.ats out, no ody knows the plan until it plays itself out. Flynn has denied Pegasus, so it could be optica to catch MSM but i do Trust Timoth Holmseth he ways has backup to his sources. He has been shadow banned fkr 10 or more years for solving cases.

I listen, watch, wait, and weigh. I base my judgments on God, gut, and grammar. Language and patterns show you what you need to know.

In response Beverly Chase to her Publication

It's okay to trust Holmseth. Just know that he could be wrong about Flynn. Also know that the most effective warriors in this movement are the ones you know little about.

I have had suspicion about Holmseth and that is that he has let things out that I don't think should be let out if they are true. The White Hats don't telegraph their moves. They work behind the scenes.

As to Israel, I know that there are those that Yahshua spoke about in Revelation 3:9 - “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (KJV). FAKE JEWS who have done incredible evils. It makes sense that these evil people would want to make God's chosen people look bad by infiltrating. Trump knows the difference between the true Jews (Israelis) and the fake f**ckers. Saving Israel for last will be a great thing for the true Jews; bad news for the fakes.

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